
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard..................8/30/2012

With all the produce coming in, the days have been long. I think I'm keeping up pretty well considering. This past week I have canned Tomatoes and Tomato Puree almost daily. I also made some meals and froze them.

This is the Zucchini & Tomato Bake that Dave posted a few weeks ago here
We just love it! I have made several and froze them for use over the winter!! I only made one adjustment to his recipe. I sprinkled some seasoned breadcrumbs in between the layers.

Here are a couple of the Tomato Bakes packaged and ready for the freezer.
I also made several Eggplant Parmigiana and froze them too. They are the thicker packages at the bottom of the pile.

Another time consuming canning project was making the tomato salsa, recipe here. I stayed up late on Tuesday evening and made 8 pints. That's enough to get ME through the year! I will also make some Green Tomato Salsa.

Some other things that were frozen this week were Chinese Red Noodle Beans and Asparagus Beans. I think we have enough of the Chinese Beans frozen. But, we can definitely use some more Asparagus Beans in the freezer.

What's been going in or out of your Kitchen Cupboard lately???


  1. The harvest continues--you seem to be doing a fine job of keeping up with it all. Love the "prepared dinners" the best--always nice on a busy day to be able to have a fully assembled meal made by hand out of the freezer.

    1. Sue, I may be keeping up with the preserving. But, my house is very dusty and the perennial beds need a good trimming and cleaning out!

  2. Very nice stash of salsa and frozen food. I'll have to try the recipe that Dave posted.

    1. Thanks Jenny! You will really like that recipe....and it's very easy to make!

  3. We freeze Eggplant Parmesan too. I think it's a great way to enjoy eggplant from the freezer. I never thought about freezing the squash and tomato casserole though. I'll have to try that next year.

    I'm working on preserving peppers now. Our tomatoes are taking a breather, and I'm ok with that since our freezer is full!

    1. Dave, I have to get to my peppers. I haven't done a thing with them!

  4. The freezer meals will be a huge convenience in the future on a night that both of you are too tired to cook. Salsa is very time consuming. I chop everything by hand since my mini-food processor can't chop to uniform sizes. I also sometimes run half the tomatoes through the tomato strainer since they pretty much melt when the salsa is cooking anyway. Saves me some time blanching, skinning, squeezing, and chopping.

    1. Rachel, I also chop everything by hand. It takes a long time to do...but well worth it!

  5. Do you just assemble and freeze, or cook, assemble, and freeze?

    Looking good!

    1. Thanks Liz, I assemble and freeze, except for the frying of the eggplant before assembly.

  6. We tried the tomato and zucchini bake too and it was quite yummy. I have to say though, I am starting to get zucchninied out! Been freezing quite a bit of it to push it into the off season as a result. Doing the prepared meals is an excellent idea.

    1. Laura, the prepared meals really come in handy during the winter. It's also nice to have eggplant and zucchini in a meal during the winter. You would never know it's not fresh!

  7. Robin, don't you just love when there are prepared meals in the freezer. I don't do as many as I should. I will post Thursday's cupboard if and when blogger decides to let me sign in. Nothing at the top of my blog for some reason.

    1. Wilderness, yes those prepared meals sure do come in handy!

      I guess blogger is being a bugger for you!

  8. Robin,

    I love homemade freezer meals, especially when it's with your own vegetables. My freezer is lacking a few, so I'll be up to shop in your freezer :-)
    I hope you have a beautiful day!

  9. It looks like you have been busy this week. I've done absolutely no preserving this week at all. I ought to, but not so much.

    1. Daphne, I've been a little too busy! It will calm down soon.

  10. What a great spread! I also froze some eggplant parmesan the other day. Can't wait to open it up in the middle of winter! The zucchini and tomato bake looks great. I now wish I planted more zucchini plants.

    1. TS, I guess great gardeners think alike :) Those meals will definitely be appreciated this winter!

  11. Looks like your working hard. This time of year is great for the garden! I love your frozen meals those will be great to have in the winter.

    1. There's no rest for the weary right now!! But, there will be good eating this winter!

  12. everything would look great in my freezer :P

  13. I will have to take a look at that tomato-zuchinni freezer meal receipe! It sure looks good. Who cares if the house is dusty, you will have lots of healthy food to eat! Nancy

    1. Nancy, that tomato zucchini bake it great! You can also add some mozzarella cheese to it.

  14. That looks amazing!!! I'd make tomato juice and can can can.

    1. Thanks, I think you need a nice big veggie garden next year :)

  15. How do you find the time? Wow... impressive Robin.

    1. Chili, I've really been burning the candle at both ends to get the preserving done. I have 3 days off, so maybe the house may get cleaned a bit too!

  16. I too love to fill my freezer with all kinds of prepared foods, makes life easy on busy days or days when I just feel lazy.

    1. Norma, I can't wait for a lazy winter day when we can enjoy one of these nice meals!

  17. WE're busy using up courgettes in any recipe I can find so will have a look at Dave's recipe. Our last was a chicken and sage dish with tomatoes, onions and rice.

    1. Sue, the recipe is quite good. I hope you enjoy it. You can also add a little mozzarella cheese and it will taste like zucchini parm without all the work!

  18. Those tomatoes look so good. Mine have really slowed down. Thanks for the pics of a normal gardener's kitchen in the summer! It makes me feel at home.


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