
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Harvest Monday..............8/26/2012

Just when you think you have the fruit flies under control in the kitchen. You go to the plots to do a little harvesting and..........well

you get this......

and this.....

and this.....

and these....

and of course more Chinese Red Noodle Beans....

and a ton of tomatoes.....

and at the home garden I got these.

The tomato plants at the plots are still hanging in there. They don't look too good. But, I am picking every good tomato and semi-ripe one I can find. Not only are many of the plants diseased, there are also some issues with nibbling. I suspect tomato hornworms, although I have not seen any.

I realized today that my harvest spreadsheet was not calculating my year to date totals correctly. I fixed it and I have harvested a little more then I previously thought.

Total weighed harvests: 51.8 lbs.
     Asparagus Red Seed - 5.95 oz
     Chinese Red Noodle - 23.5 oz.
Cuccumbers - 9.25 oz.
     Black Beauty - 22.95 oz.
     Lunga Violetta Di Firenze - 22.1 oz.
     Hot & Spice - 8.05 oz.
     Sweet - 24.45
Tomatoes - 712.55 oz. 44.53 lbs

Hop on over to Daphne's Dandelions, our host of Harvest Monday to see what's going on in Veggie Gardens around the Globe!


  1. Robin,

    Wow, talk about a harvest! Those little fruit flies can be a pain in the butt.

  2. Absolutely gorgeous harvest! Love the peppers and eggplants and sorry to hear about the tomatoes. Looks like yours suffering the same fate as mine :(

    1. Jenny, It's turning out to be a tough year for the tomatoes. I sure hope next year is better!

  3. Beautiful harvest. Happily I'm not harvesting most of those. But I do envy your beans. My earlier planted beans aren't producing anymore. The later planted beans are just starting to flower. I can't wait to eat them again. Except for chard I'm in a little lull in veggies. Melons I have covered. And corn. But real vegetables I haven't had in a couple of days. I'm thinking the next few days will be all chard days. At least I can count on something.

    1. Daphne, Those beans are doing great! The asparagus beans are getting nice and tall and I think they are going to start producing a lot too.

  4. Wow, you are still getting amazing looking tomatoes!

    1. Erin, I think the tomatoes look better in the pictures!

  5. Beautiful harvest and beautiful pictures! I don't like fruit flies either but sometimes it comes with the territory! Nancy

    1. Nancy, I think I'm starting to used to those flies.

  6. Wow what a harvest!!! That's a boat load of tomatoes. Looks like your going to be busy canning this week. Try a setting a cup full of apple cider vinegar with a drop of liquid dish soap in it on our counter. The vinegar attracts the fruit flies and the soap ruins the surface tension on the liquid so when they land in the vinegar they sink and drowned.

    1. Great tip! I'm going to have to give that a try!

  7. Your harvest is beautiful, and so are your photographs. I think you missed your calling!

    1. Thanks Granny! I still don't know how to use this camera correctly. I was much more comfortable with my 35mm!

  8. 44 pounds of tomatoes--heck, I'd like to have ONE pound. Stupid northern climate............


    1. Oh well, I bet you have an easier time with broccoli and cauliflower then we do though.

  9. Such beautiful and colorful harvests! The eggplants are lovely! I was just thinking how amazing it is that tomatoes still manage to produce even though they are diseased. I was upset about my Romas becoming diseased early this year, but they are ripening just fine. I too grab them as soon as they turn a little red. Less chance of them falling off the plant or getting eaten by stink bugs.

    I just began seeing some fruit flies this weekend. I know they came in on the bananas recently purchased, but now they are hanging out with the tomatoes on the counter. Ugh!

    1. Rachel, I too am surprised with the tomatoes. Most of the plants look awful.

      Those fruit flies drive me crazy!

  10. Everything you got looks incredible! Love those eggplants, they are beauties! We had a terrible time with fruit flies last year, but my husband made funnel traps (you fold paper into a funnel with a small opening and stick it in the top of a jar that has an apple core or something like that to attract them. They fly in, but seem to be unable to figure out how to get back out so they either die there, or you can empty them out outdoors.) This year they haven't been as bad.

    1. I'm definitely going to set-up something for the fruit flies tonight. I think they are really bothering "The Italian"!

  11. Great looking harvest. My fall planting is just coming in now, so round two starts. No rest for the weary.

    1. Thanks Jane, rest for the weary :) At least we will have some good food to eat!!!

  12. Beautiful harvest as always. It is hard keeping the counters clear of all this produce to keep the fruit flies away! Darn fruit flies!

    1. Shawn Ann, I guess the fruit flies come with the territory!

  13. well even with disease you have a lot more tomatoes than I do! Lovely harvest!

    1. Mary, I'm very surprised how well the tomatoes are doing with how bad the plants look. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we get enough for everything we want to put up!

  14. Great harvests this week robin! I love those chinese beans!

    1. Holly, those chinese beans are doing amazing! I think I have just about enough frozen for the year!

  15. You seem to be pulling in a good amount of tomatoes considering they are suffering from some disease challenges. The volume and quality of your harvests are continueing unabated - I imagine you are really burning the candle at both ends to keep up with it all.

    1. Laura, I sure am burning the candle at both ends! "The Italian" has been great though. He cleaned the upstairs refrigerator & pantry on Monday. He's been doing the laundry and a lot more cooking!! I guess he wants his good preserved food for the year!

  16. Quite a harvest you got there.
    I interplanted my red noodle beans with my green ones as I imagine they would look good together. Now I learn they may cross pollinate.

    1. Norma, you may have some pretty and unusual beans this year!

  17. You are the tomato queen! Beautiful veggies. I bet you're up all night getting things done.

    1. I'm not the tomato queen yet Jody! I've been trying for the past two years though! Yes, it's 10 PM and I am making salsa and tomato puree!!

  18. Beautiful and varied harvest, those tomatoes and eggplants are gorgeous.


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