
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Harvest Monday................... 09/24/2012

I weighed the Kennebec potatoes that I dug last week figuring that would be about it for the harvests this week. Then I went to the plots to start Fall Clean-Up! I always take my harvesting containers just in case. It's a good thing I did!

Here are the Kennebec Potatoes that I harvest last week

They were a nice size and the yield was OK

These are the ones we will eat first. 
They are the tiny potatoes and the potatoes that have some type of damage.

I pulled all of the tomato plants from the one bed and managed to get some nice tomatoes

and some pretty tomatoes

and some more green tomatoes for Green Tomato Salsa. Since some of the other green tomatoes turned red.

Sweet Peppers

A few more yummy Raspberries

The last of the Sugar Pie Pumpkins and biggest leek I have ever grown! This baby is at least 2" across at the bottom!

The nicest Jalapenos so far this year and the Habaneros are finally getting ripe! 

More Eggplant
I have no idea what I'm going to do with these! 

The first Lima Beans of the year. 
The vines were so dense that I couldn't find them until I trimmed them back.

Total weighed harvest: 50.92 lbs.

Beans,Lima - 12.8 oz
Eggplant - 34.15 oz
Leek - 8 oz
Onions (not pictured) 38 oz
    Hot & Spice - 30 oz
    Sweet - 24.52 oz
Potatoes, Kennebec - 450 oz 28.13 lbs
Pumpkin, Sugar Pie - 47.5 oz
Raspberries - 3.2 oz
    Red - 138.55 oz
    Green - 28 oz

Hop on over to Daphne's Dandelions, our host of Harvest Monday to see what's going on in gardens around the globe!!!


  1. Such a beautiful harvest! Love the colorful eggplants and peppers. And tomatoes are just gorgeous. How do you make green tomato salsa? I picked a bunch of green tomatoes when i was cleaning community garden plots but not sure if they'll ripen.

  2. Thanks Jenny, I posted the recipe last year. Just click on the recipes and you'll find it. It's really good. I don't add the cilantro though

  3. I envy those raspberries. I'm supposed to be harvesting mine, but the drought really took the down. I'm sure they will do better next year if we get rain.

    1. Daphne, I've only harvested a couple of handfuls of raspberries this year. Hopefully next year will be better for both of us.

  4. Robin,

    Good thing you brought your containers when cleaning out the beds for winter. Those are some really nice looking potatoes, are you going to can them? The green tomatoes, I know you mentioned salsa. Have you ever fried them up like you do egg plant and eat them? There actually really good fried.

    1. Sandy, I only cleaned out one bed. I still have a few to go.

      I love fried green tomatoes! Haven't had them in years though!

  5. We are still picking raspberries but I think their days are numbered especially as we have heavy rain now which is predicted to last until tomorrow afternoon at least!

    1. Sue, I sure hope my raspberries do better next year. I think the late transplant and weather really affected them. They did I am happy!

  6. What a leek! I would love to grow one that large; mine are skinny little guys. And raspberries, yum. Everything you harvested looks gorgeous!

    1. That leek surprised me. I think we'll be having some leek & potato soup this week!

  7. Beautiful harvest! It's a good thing you brought your containers to the plots.

    1. Thanks Rachel. Yes, it's a good thing I did!

  8. Lovely potatoes! I'm hoping to make green tomato salsa soon. I'll check out your recipe. And I'm making Baba Ghanoush with some eggplants. Gotta enjoy those summer crops while we have them!

    1. Dave, The green tomato salsa recipe is great. Diana gave me the recipe last year.

  9. Lovely harvest, I haven't dug into my potato "pot" yet, don't know what to expect since I've been away so much during the growing season.

    1. Mac, I think it's fun to dig potatoes. It's like a treasure hunT!

  10. Beautiful tomatoes and potatoes, that's quite a harvest. I should check on my leeks.

    1. Norma, you better check them. I hadn't checked mine in awhile and got a nice surprise!

  11. Nice potatoes. Look so yummy. We sure enjoyed just the few we grew. Lovely harvest. You are a great gardener and preserver! Nancy

  12. Your potatoes look perfect! I can't wait to see how ours did...I hope they look as good as yours!

    1. Bee Girl, Digging up the potatoes is always fun!

  13. I can just taste those raspberries.....mmmmmmmmm!! Everything else looks great, too! I think I have about two meals of potatoes left from my big harvest.

    1. Granny, How in the world did you eat all those potatoes already??? We won't eat all of these by ourselves.

    2. Don't forget we have four kids who gladly take a lot of the garden stuff. All four enjoyed the potatoes and onions (onions are all gone, too).

  14. Looks super good! My habanero plant is the only pepper plant not plagued by disease and is beautiful but it is only just now putting on flowers! Oh well, next year I guess!

    1. Oh no! It's awfully late for just starting flowers. Hopefully you'll get something from it!

  15. Looks like we were both digging up potatoes this past week! Yours look really good. The tomatoes that you harvested from your garden tidy up are gorgeous too. I moved my jalapeno peppers growing in big containers into the greenhouse on Sunday, so they can hopefully continue to grow and finish producing the big flush of small peppers on the plants. Thinking about trying to overwinter a few pepper plants this year - probably not going to be successful but it might be fun to try. :D

    1. Laura, It's always fun to try new things. I'm always surprised by gardening experiments.

  16. Looks to me like you did very well this week. Have you ever tried canning your small potatoes? Can't remember whether you have a pressure canner or not.

    1. Wilderness, No, I don't have a pressure canner. I'm definitely going to invest in one over the winter. I think it will make my life a whole lot easier....and I'll be able to can a lot more!

  17. Hi, can I ask you to add a page to your blog and put your recipies on it. You do some nice canning and sauces that I would love to do but don't know how. The Hot Peper Jelly looks great. Would love to give that a try and I think you told us how to make cayenne pepper too. I am new to canning as I have only had my allotment this year but I want to grow so much more next year.

    1. Liz, that's a great idea! It is supposed to rain all day on Saturday. If it does, I'll try to get that done. Thanks for stopping by!!!

  18. WOW! What a delicious looking rainbow you've gathered there!

    1. Thanks BLD! A rainbow is a great description!


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