
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard...........09/20/2012

There's been a lot of canning going on around here this past week! Since the tomatoes finally slowed down, I managed to get some other stuff done!

The first thing I did was pickle some Hot Banana, Hot Hungarian Wax and Sweet Banana Peppers!

Of course there was some Tomato Puree canned this week.

I made two batches of Hot Pepper Jelly
Isn't it beautiful???

Tuesday after work, I made a batch of Peach Jam
I ended up with 8 Half Pints and Two 4 oz. jars even after I spilled some!

Last but not least...."The Italian" made the best martini ever!! Yes, it was even better then Granny's Tomatotini! It was a Chocolate Raspberry Martini! Oh boy was it good!!!
He even said I could share the recipe!!

Chocolate Raspberry Martini for 2
4 oz. Homemade Raspberry Vodka
2 oz. Godiva Chocolate Liquer
1 oz. Chambord Liquer
Pour all ingredients in to a shaker with a little crushed ice
Shake and serve with a few raspberries


  1. When I first red hot banana I misunderstood and thought you were making banana pickle

    1. No, just some pickled peppers. I love them on just about everything!

  2. The hot pepper jelly does look beautiful,how does it taste or will it mature over time and taste different? The Italian has done it again...
    great combination in the martini !

    1. Andrea, hot pepper jelly is wonderful! I use a recipe from Kraft Foods. You should give it a try. I'm sure you will like it!

  3. I bet all the canning work gets a lot easier (and probably more interesting results) the more chocolate/raspberry martinis you indulge in!

    You have been very busy. The hot pepper jelly really is gorgeous. I have been laid flat this week with a bad cold/cough so nothing interesting going on in my kitchen this week. The hot pepper jelly would probably be good for my congested head though!

    1. Too bad about your cold. Yes, I think the hot pepper jelly and maybe one of those martinis would do you good!

  4. You got a lot done this last week. I meant to do my applesauce last week but the farmers market didn't have their bulk apples. But yesterday they came through. I showed up right at opening and got 30 pounds. So I know today's chore.

    1. Daphne, your applesauce looks great! I'm going to have to make some soon!

  5. Those are some lovely jars of goodies you have there! I need to pickle some peppers too. I've been making hot sauce, but no pickles.

    1. Dave, I need to make some hot sauce. I just don't know when I'll find the time. Hopefully this week.

  6. Robin love all your hot peppers. Wish I could work with them. BTW you only saw my draft for today. Having so many problems with blogger that I never know what it is going to do. Had no idea it published last night. Hope you can go back and see the finished product which will make a lot more sense.

    1. Wilderness, you can always wear a face mask and gloves when working with the peppers. I checked out your post again. Everything looks great!

  7. Robin,
    I had presumed all your "work" was at home. How much do you work "outside the home?" You get so much preserving accomplished! Your preserves sparkle. (I think the quilted crystal pattern helps). A good week to you! Susan

    1. Susan, I went back to work about 2 months ago. I'm gone about 11-12 hours every day. So, I have been burning the candle at both ends lately. Things are starting to calm down a bit though....thank goodness!!

  8. Looks wonderful and tasty snacks for winter. How do you make hot pepper jelly? And what do you use it for?

    1. Jenny, I use a recipe from Kraft Foods. I guess that I really should have posted it. I also keep turning & shaking the jars until the jelly gets thick in order to keep the peppers from floating to the top.

      I love it with cheese and crackers!! I could also eat it right from the jar :)

  9. Wow, the pepper jelly really is beautiful! Looks like a party (confetti!) in a jar. Lol

    1. That's a great way to describe this jelly!!!

  10. Wow all those pickled peppers and martini, don't know how you get your work done!

    1. Mac, I don't know either. I do have a dirty house lately though!

  11. wow all those peppers looks great!!! well that is a lie everything looks great!!

    1. Thanks MrsP! I sure will be happy when canning season is over!!

  12. I am sorry to miss out on Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard lately. I've been busy preserving but have not taken the time to document it. The hot pepper jelly looks very interesting, the peach jam yummy, and the Chocolate Raspberry divine!

    1. That's OK Rachel, It's been a tough year to get everything done. Yes, the martini was divine!

  13. All your canning looks very pretty! We aren't much for hot things but that peach jam would taste great I am sure! Nancy

    1. Thanks Nancy, The pepper jelly has only a little bite to it not much. Occasionally I make a real hot batch if it is requested.

  14. Everything looks great. I am slowly learning how to use hot peppers as I never did before. I will have to look up the recipe for your hot pepper jelly. It is lovely!
    I don't believe I have ever had a martini. Now isn't that sad :(

    1. Becky, If you have never had a martini, this is the one to start with!! It was yummy without being real sweet!

  15. Robin, it certainly is the time of the year for preserving. Not so much for me this year. My thoughts are for next year when the big new garden (Terra Nova Gardens) will not be so much about weed control and fence building but about real gardening. If I can keep the wild critters at bay, then I'll be right there with you canning and preserving the winter food supply.

    Have a great hot pepper day.

    1. David, it seems like the preserving is never ending this year! We sure will love it this winter though! I was reading your last few posts today. Everything looks great! I'm looking forward to your preserving the harvests next year!

  16. Replies
    1. Greg, the Hot Pepper Jelly is yummy! You should give it a try!


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