
Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Plots at the end of September

I can't believe that September is almost over! Boy, time sure does fly! Today I spent 8 hours at the plots cleaning up. All of the tomato plants were pulled and all of the beds were tidied up.

A view from the front

Bed #1
This is where the potatoes were planted this year. I dumped a bag of composted manure on the bed. I will work it in and plant the garlic in this bed next weekend.

Bed #2
a/k/a Tomato Bed 1
All tidied up and ready for winter. I left the marigolds and basil in the bed.

Bed #3
The 3 Sisters planting was at this end of the bed. The hot & spice peppers and eggplants are still going strong at the other end of the bed.

Bed #4
a/k/a Tomato Bed 2
All tidied up and ready for winter

Bed #5
There are still some leeks left in this bed and also the sweet peppers at the far end.

Bed #6
This is not a good picture. I couldn't get a good angle to show the bed. The blackberries are at this end and the raspberries at the far end. As you can see the berries all survived the transplant and are thriving. I'm going to build supports for them next weekend.

Bed #7
The strawberry bed. This bed still needs some attention before winter sets in.

Bed #8
This bed has asparagus at each end and another section in the middle where the onions were planted this year.

The asparagus also survived the transplant and is thriving.

A view of the garden from the back.

The gate is locked and most things are in order for the winter.....but, not everything is done!

So, how's your Fall Clean-Up coming along???


  1. We cleaned out our community garden this week too - pulled out all tomatoe plants and cleaned out the beds. Wish I could take all the marigolds but they're 3 feet tall so they'll remain there.

    1. Jenny, I bet those marigolds are pretty! It feels good to have the garden all nice and tidy!

  2. My squash vines are in heaps on the lawn, waiting to be bagged. They are too large and plentiful for my small compost pile, so they'll have to go to the landfill next week. I'll be doing an end of garden blog soon....the end is near!

    1. Granny, I bet that your "Little Shop of Horrors" vines will take up an entire truck!!

  3. My fall clean up, all complete. Now it's time for canning since the temperatures have dropped.

    1. Good for you Sandy! It does make one feel good when the garden is all cleaned up. Have fun canning!

  4. One of the ways I observe the passage of time is through your blog. I admire all the fall clean up you have accomplished. I have an angry sciatica nerve and it has truly curtailed my gardening activity. I just look out at everything dying on the vine. Fortunately living in so. California...I have time to get to it.

    1. Patricia, Sorry to hear about your sciatica. That is really painful! Hopefully, you will feel better soon and be able to get out and about!

  5. Your plot is immaculate - ours isn't - the miserable weather hasn't encouraged activity. I do wish we could have a fence and a gate to lock.

    1. Thanks Sue, I can't imagine not being able to have a fence. With all the critters at the garden, I wouldn't have any veggies left for us!

  6. I have to get to fall clean up. Only the sweet potatoes have been done. I still have to clean up the beans and squash, a few old cucumber pants, a melon. And in a few week I'll have to plant my garlic. It is always the last to go in before it gets really cold.

    1. Daphne, we are going on vacation in the middle of the, I had to get it done. I'm feeling it today!

  7. just starting here... i cant tell if i'm GLAD that the season is over so i can finally get a break... or mad. we'll see. ha! in the meantime i've still go cool season stuff going strong.

    1. OFG, Cleaning up the garden is definitely a mixed emotion thing. I have absolutely no fall crops growing this's a long story.

  8. That is a long time to be working on cleaning out the plots. You must be exhausted! Great job though. You got a lot accomplished. I've been cleaning up a little at a time but there is still so much to do.

    1. Rachel, I'm beat today and need to work on the home garden. We shall see if I get anything done!

  9. You are really on top of things! My hubby has pulled a little out here. Things are about done for this year. Hopefully next year will be better health wise. I always make big plans during the cooler months! lol Nancy

    1. Nancy, I got it cleaned up.....but, I sure am suffering for it today!

  10. Your clean-up looks terrific! I really have barely started mine. I think this week it is time to get to it. I am busy digging the final raised bed in my garden. Every year I hope to get the garden expansion finished at last and this is the year. My son is getting married in a few weeks and after that I will be able to concentrate on putting the garden to bed for the winter.

  11. I can't believe how fast you were able to get your plots up and running and wow they look great!


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