
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard..............10/4/2012

The canning has really slowed down......thank heavens!! I still have some beans that are not completely dried and a basket of tomatoes that will most likely be made in to puree. I was planning to can some pears this week. But, "The Italian" ate them!! I guess I'll be going back to the orchard on Saturday to get more.

I figured I would post the Green Tomato Salsa recipe since a lot of you have been interested in it. This recipe is from Diana at Voice in The Garden. It's a big hit around here!

Green Tomato Salsa


  • 3 Tbsp. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 11 lbs. Green Tomatoes, chopped
  • 3 Extra Large Sweet Onions, chopped
  • 3 Sweet Peppers, chopped
  • 4 Jalapeno Peppers, seeds removed, finely chopped (+/- according to personal taste)
  • 8 Large Garlic Cloves, minced
  • 1 Cup Fresh Cilantro, chopped (I don't put this in before canning. It can be added, if wanted when served)
  • 2 Tbs. Sea Salt
  • 1/2 Tbsp. Black Pepper
  • 1/2 tsp. Cayenne Pepper
  • 1 tsp. Cumin
  • 1/4 Cup Lime Juice
  • 1/4 Cup White Vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp. Honey

  1. Add Olive Oil to an extra large pot and heat on medium
  2. Add Tomatoes, Onions, Peppers and stir
  3. Add and combine the remainder of the ingredients. Mix well, hear slowly to a simmer and cook uncovered for 35-30 minutes, or until it reaches the consistency you prefer. Stirring frequently to avoid burning.
  4. Ladle the hot salsa into hot sterilized jars, and fill to within 1/2 inch from top.
  5. Wipe jar rims with a clean cloth
  6. Place sterilized lids on jars and adjust the ring.
  7. Place in boiling water bath and process for 15-20 minutes
This is not a full batch.
It sure is good.....Thanks Diana for the great recipe!!

What's been going in or out of you Kitchen Cupboard lately???


  1. I was canning some dilly beans, but haven't gotten my post up yet.

    1. Daphne, I really need to get a pressure canner so I can can things like that!

  2. I canned the last of my tomatoes (the ones from the freezer)with some peppers and onions. Then I pulled out the dehydrator and cut up strawberries to dehydrate.

    1. It sounds like you have been very busy Sandy! I don't have a dehydrator....yet!

  3. I've been making more hot sauces. But now I need to do what you did and make some green tomato salsa! I'll have to compare the recipe I used last year with yours. I see more mustard in my future too.

    1. Dave, I just ordered mustard seed over the weekend. I'm planning on making it when we come home from vacation. It's just so so good!

  4. Ooh, thanks for posting the salsa recipe Robin! I've been thinking of making it with the last of my tomatoes this year.

    1. Your very welcome. I'm sure you will enjoy it!

  5. Hopefully I'll make it down the road to pick up a couple boxes of Pink Lady apples and I'll be putting those sauce, apple pie filling and dried apple rings. And maybe I'll whip up a batch of your salsa...thanks for the recipe!

    1. Lynda, I'm not going to be making applesauce until we come home from vacation....I think!

  6. Ah yes...I remember the days of dealing with a bushel of green tomatoes (when I lived in Massachusetts). We would hang some of the bushes upside down in the cellar and the tomatoes would ripen. Not as good as summer tomatoes, but welcome in November and December. My favorite way to use green tomatoes was for green tomato mincemeat, which we then used for pies at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

    1. Oh, green tomato mincemeat sounds wonderful! You should post the recipe!

  7. I may have an abundance of green tomatoes later this month to deal with, so your recipe is appreciated.

  8. Thank you! I will definitely try it as I have 20 lbs of green tomatoes to deal with :)

    1. Your welcome Jenny. 20 lbs of green tomatoes is a lot! I have also posted a pickled green tomato recipe somewhere on this blog!

  9. Love the change of your theme. I can't change mine since blogger just doesn't like me anymore. I can only post by sneaking in a back way to my dashboard. Salsa is pretty. I would love fruit to can but the only thing we have around here is apples. Nothing else can be grown as the season isn't long enough.

    1. Thanks Wilderness, Maybe you should try Google Chrome. I can't use blogger on this older computer with IE.

  10. Thanks for sharing the recipe. If there's one thing the garden produced well this year, it was green tomatoes. I had been wondering what I would do with them all. :)

    1. Well, at least something produced well for you :)

  11. Sounds like a great way to use up the green tomatoes!

  12. love the new fall look!
    Great recipe I have A LOT of green tomatoes!!

  13. We are canning applesauce and I want to make dilly carrots yet. We don't eat a lot of salsa here. I am sure yours is yummy! Nancy

    1. Nancy, I just love salsa! I'm not planning to make applesauce for a few weeks. I just don't have the time!

  14. I think you gave Belle that recipe last year. It's delicious!

  15. I made green tomato chutney three years ago, when my first ntomato crop failed. I still have a ton of the stuff. Now I just compost the green tomatoes!

    1. I think you need to try this salsa instead of composting all of them. You'll like it....I promise!

  16. I made about 4 quarts of piccalilli, also known as chow-chow, with some green tomatoes, but the salsa sounds good too! Going on Monday to get apples with the hubby (looking forward to that!) and want to do some applesauce, apple butter, and pie filling. Your theme is GORGEOUS too, love it!

    1. Thanks a bunch! I have never made chow chow. I don't think I've ever eaten it either. Sounds like something I should try!

  17. How do you use the salsa, Robin? I too have heaps of green tomato and chilli chutney from the last couple of seasons but if your salsa can be used in other ways than chutney, then I'll give it a go!

    1. Nina, I use the salsa the same as I use the red salsa. It really is delicious!


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