
Monday, December 31, 2012

Boy What a Year!

I finally got most of my gardening "things" organized! The seed inventory is done. My Excel Gardening Journal is updated. I ordered my onion plants and a few seeds. I sent in my order to Wintersown. I have most of my pics organized on the new computer and I'm starting to figure out how to use this new Windows 8. Truthfully, I don't like it.

While organizing everything, I started looking at my photos. Boy, what a year it has been!

The Community Garden move was unbelievable! Who would have thought that it was go from.....

this in March........
to this
in April.....
to this in May...
and this in July
to this in September
and this today.
 We had a lot of great ....
and our Cupboard
 is well stocked
"The Italian's" daughter graduated from college
in May

Isn't she just beautiful??
And as happy we more tuition!!
"The Italian" and I had a couple of wonderful trips!
We took his daughter to our favorite place
New Orleans in May

the sounds on the street
our favorite place to sit!
We had some Garden Bloggers visit
and they made homemade Ice Cream!
In October we
saw some beautiful sunsets in Florida and
then headed to Mexico
and saw the Mayan ruins in Tulum
just amazing!
This stuff is older then Granny!!!

what a wonderful view!
Then we headed to favorite place on the trip
and saw the Mayan ruins Altun Ha

when we got back from the ruins we have some wonderful Adult beverages and listened to these two sing. They were great!
Next we headed to Honduras
and were greeted by a rainbow

we saw some beautiful scenery
 and we walked this bridge

we saw some amazing wildlife

and the female monkeys could keep their hands off "The Italian"!!!

He became know as "The Monkey Man" on our ship!!!
While we were on our trip we got to see
how a lot of the world lives
this is a very big home

and how the lucky ones make their living
And we are grateful
When we returned to Florida
we saw the after affects of Hurricane Sandy and were stuck in Florida for several days
we celebrated the Holidays

with some good food

and Santa brought me a Pressure Canner!!!

and the seed catalogs keep coming in!
They are so beautiful!!!
"The Italian" and I wish all of you a  Happy, Healthy & Bountiful New Year!!! 


  1. wow what a great year! Wishing you and your family all the best in 2013!

    1. Thanks Mrs.P! We wish you and your family all the best too!!!

  2. You sure did a lot this year Robin! Happy New Year! -Heather

    1. Thanks Heather! We really did do a lot more than I realized. Happy New Year!

  3. What? WHAT?? Nothing, I mean NOTHING is older than Granny! Heck, if I were a few years younger, I'd "monkey" around with the Italian, too :-D

    You had quite the year, Robin. Except for that one setback, when you returned from your trip, you certainly had a bountiful and enjoyable 2012. I hope you have a wonderful 2013, and I'm looking forward to hearing all about it.

    1. Granny, Those monkeys were so funny. There were at least two of them on him the whole time! They now a good man when they see one :)

      We wish you a wonderful 2013 too! I'm sure there will be a lot to post about!

  4. What a great year-end review Robin! Thank you for sharing your trip photos. I hope to make it to Mexico and S.A. some day. In the meantime I got to enjoy your photos...except for that little flimsy bridge you crossed. You won't catch me on that one!!! I hope you and the Italian Monkey Man have a great, happy, healthy 2013!

    1. Thanks a bunch Dave! That bridge really wasn't that bad. The trip was really great. I took almost 1000 pictures! Happy New Gardening Year!

  5. The Mayan ruins, I'm so jealous. Have always wanted to see them. What a great year update. I feel like I should do something like that on our blog but I figure it won't be nearly as exciting as yours, ha.

    Happy New Year and here's to a wonderful 2013!

    1. Thanks 1st Man! It was a great trip! Happy New Year to you!!

  6. Looks like you had a fantastic year!

  7. I am amazed at those tomatoes from your first year in the new garden! Simply amazing.

    I'd love to hear more about your Mexico-Belize-Honduras trip. Dan and I are starting to think about what our next adventure will be, and the Mayan ruins sound interesting. The monkeys, not so much....

    1. Ali, the plots did amazingly well considering it was the first year at the new location.

      I'll send you an email and give you more info on our trip.

  8. Robin,

    Hey there my friend, Happy New Year To You and The Italian!!!!
    I love your pictures of the year. Bulldog Man loves the pictures of Honduras, he was stationed there many years ago.
    I see your preparing for the next planting season with all your catalogs.
    Santa made a great purchase with getting you the pressure canner :-)

    1. Hey Sandy, Happy New Year to you and Bulldog Man! I'm glad he enjoyed the pics of Honduras. It's really quite lush and beautiful.

      Yes, Santa did good by getting me a pressure canner! I tested it and all went well!

  9. I enjoyed looking at your pictures! Happy New Years! Nancy

    1. Nancy, I'm happy that you enjoyed the pictures. Happy New Year!

  10. What a great post! Thanks for sharing your life with us! We're better people for it.

    1. Oh thanks Jody! You guys are the best! Thanks for sharing with us! Happy New Gardening Year!

  11. happy new year, friend!! what great pix! what a great update! but older than Granny!?!?? ha ha ha ha loved it all! thank you so sharing so much with us.

    your pal,

    1. Hey there lady, I know it's hard to believe that something can actually be older then Granny! You are very welcome...Happy New Year to you!

      Oh, Miss Banana says to wish Nicholas a Happy New Year too!

  12. Loved looking at your pictures! Looks like you had a wonderful year and I hope this new year is a very happy one for you too!

    1. Thanks NG! I'm happy that you enjoyed the pics! Have a Wonderful New Year!

  13. Wow what a year you have had!

    Interesting - your views on Windows 8. I got a new computer this year that has Windows 7 installed. As I bought it just before Windows 8 was launched it came with a free update and after reading about W8 I decided to stick with W7.

    1. Sue, This Windows 8 is really a pain. Nothing like the previous versions of Windows.

      Have a Happy & Bountiful New Year!

  14. What a great year you had! I hope 2013 is as full of fun, adventure, and (of course)great gardens!

    Are those ruins truly older than Granny?!

    1. Thanks Laura, I really think they are a bit older than Granny!! Yes, we had a great year and are hoping for another one!

  15. I was just scrolling down on your blog and came to this lovely, lovely post. What a great way to sum up your year, and what fabulous photographs. Wow. Thanks.


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