
Monday, December 3, 2012

Harvest Monday............12/03/2012

It's been quite awhile since I posted on Harvest Monday! This week we harvested three different things. The first one has been a long time coming.

My first Meyer Lemon from my little tree!
I picked the Lemon on Saturday and we still haven't decided what we are going to do with it. It's the only lemon that survived. As you can see, I also harvested some baby spinach to use in a wonderful stuffed flank steak. It sure was good!

Sunday, I decided to make some Leek & Potato Soup. So, I went over to the plots and harvested all of the leeks that needed to be harvested. There are still a few over there that are doing well. I will leave them in the ground until we need them or they need to be harvested.
Hop on over to Daphne's Dandelions, our host of Harvest Monday to see what's going on in Veggie Gardens around the Globe!


  1. Congratulations on your lemons. I am a big fan of Meyer Lemons - I look forward to hearing how you used it.

    1. Liz, This is my first experience with a Meyer Lemon. I'm sure "The Italian" will come up with something good!

  2. I have 6 lemons on mine that I am about to harvest. My first lemons ever as well. Not sure what I will do with them either. Seems like it should be something special but I don't know what.

  3. Welcome back. I missed reading your blog entries. I imagine you've been busy. Nice looking lemon.

  4. Wow, a homegrown lemon! Very nice! I have never had a Meyer lemon but it sure looks beautiful. Perfect time for leek and potato soup!

  5. I really need to grow a Meyer lemon. How fun is that - getting a fresh lemon?!

    The spinach and leeks are beautiful. Both items you fixed using them sound pretty spectacularly yummy too! :D

  6. Great to have you back Robin. Thanks to AG I knew what had happened so I understood why you were off line. I sent you an Email but I had forgotten your computer had been stolen so I am sure you did not receive it. I hate a sneak thief more than just about any thing. I to think a well placed bullet would make me happy. Even if they get jail time we still have to pay to keep them locked up. I was out of work last week so I was not here for your return but welcome back and shake it off. There are many more good people than bad.

    Your Gardening friend
    Frank from Virginia

  7. Your lemon looks perfect! I'm sure it will be difficult slice into it no matter what good use you decide to put it to.

  8. Congrats on your first lemon I'm sure you will enjoy it which ever way you choose to serve it. I'm thinking the Italian may want to make a little lemoncello !

  9. Your lemon has the most gorgeous yellow color, congrats, the first of anything is always the best.

  10. That is what I forgot to post! The citrus. I keep forgetting it. I guess because in Florida it's just there... LOL. I also thought steak, spinach and lemon - YUM! Now I want that combo. Must be getting close to dinner time. ;-)

  11. Your lemon looks so pretty in that bowl of spinach! Everything looks delicious! Nancy

  12. Those leeks look so delicious. I keep thinking leeks and sweet potatoes would go well together.

  13. Wow a lemon! They'll be no skurvy in your home this winter:)

  14. Robin, I'm very sad that folks would take advantage of an already bad situation and steal your household items. Computer theft is personal. I'm glad to see that you are back on line and recovering from both events.

    It appears that you have had a pretty good garden year considering all the challenges. Moving of the community garden as I recall was super difficult as getting the government to do something on a time sensitive schedule is virtually impossible but your folks in the community put in a great effort to turn the year into great one. Good luck with next year.

    Have a great day planning for next year.

  15. Leek and potato has to be my favorite and it even tastes better with your own leeks. Can't imagine how it tastes if you grew your own potatoes. Ever grown leeks in a trench and gradually adding soils to the trench. Seen pix of some that look like baseball bats. That's a lot of soup?

  16. Merry Christmas. I hope the quiet on your blog only means you're really really busy.


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