
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Garden Happenings

The garden is really starting to produce.
We've been getting a lot of cucumbers

which means.....

making "The Italian's" favorite

Sweet Pickle Relish
I've harvested a couple small heads of Red Acre Cabbage and....
this little tomato...a Dolly Parton!
Isn't it a beauty???

The tomatoes are starting.
I think the big tomato glut is about a week or two away
Our favorite slicing tomatoes, Cherokee Purples & Eva's Purple Ball are a regular.
I dug one hill of Yukon Gold Potatoes.
I couldn't believe the size of some of them!
We've had a half dozen Zucchini, including these two which were almost too big!
and the onions!!! Well, that's a post in itself!
So, how's your garden producing???


  1. Everything looks great! I contacted Trudi from wintersown to see if she still has Dolly Parton seeds and she doesn't. Maybe we could do some seed trading at the end of the season? I really enjoyed your canning class and it was nice to finally meet you. I went out the next day and bought canning equipment.

    1. Tricia, It was very nice to meet you too! I'm happy that you enjoyed the class and will be doing the can can soon!

      Yes, we can do some seed trading later in the year. I really need to do some seed saving this week....before I forget!

    2. Sometime take a look at my list I posted in a previous post called "So Many Tomatoes So Little Space" and let me know which ones you would like to try.

  2. That is a huge tomato and a potato! Everything looks really great. Will have to try sweet relish recipe - so far it's been a ton of pickles though.

    1. Jenny, aren't those two just something? I use the recipe from the Ball Blue Book. There are two different cucumber relish recipes in the book. "The Italian" likes the sweet pickle the best. I do add a little turmeric to it though.

  3. Robin,

    You sure do have a green thumb my friend.
    Tomatoes are growing and producing small little tomatoes. I'm waiting for them to grow to size and change color.
    I also have cantaloupe vine running all through my tomatoes. There are approximately 8 or 9 cantaloupe right now and more blooms.
    My strawberries, peppers, and carrots are growing like weeds. I haven't harvested them totally yet.
    My husband and I will plant some beans and peas in two weeks, then I believe we are stopping until next spring. Unless we have a change of heart. This year didn't produce everything we needed.

    1. Hey Sandy, I've been accused of that green thumb thing on a few occasions! It sounds like your garden is doing well. Gardening is always a challenge and different from year to year!

  4. All of your produce looks great plus the pickles and relish. The Dolly Parton tomato is a beauty! Lucky you to get so many zucchini. Mine are not doing well and here I thought zucchini was suppose to be easy to grow. I would welcome someone leaving a couple on my doorstep! lol Nancy

    1. Thanks Nancy, I think that the two zucchini plants that have producing have SVB. So, they will be coming to an end soon. I have another one started at the home garden since you never know. I had one year when I didn't get a single squash!

  5. Everything looks just lovely! I found a four pound zucchini hiding in the garden today. Too bad I don't need any sweet relish this year!

    1. Thanks Granny, I had two that weighed around 3 lbs. They almost got away. Another 4 pounder??? Wow, that's a lot of zucchini! I'm sure you'll find something to do with it!

  6. That's a big tomato you have there, no wonder it's called Dolly Parton :P

    1. Mac, I got the seed just because of the name! The tomatoes have definitely been true to their name!

  7. Wow-impressive harvests-especially your Yukons. I've not had good luck with them sizing up in the past few years. Who is your source for seed potatoes?

    1. Sue, the Yukon Golds are usually much smaller. I get my seed from The Maine Potato Lady.

  8. Only green tomatoes yet but we did take a box full of courgettes (zucchini) to our neighbour yesterday - that glut is underway.

    1. Sue, It looks like my zucchini plants have, I won't be having a glut with those! Hopefully, your tomatoes will ripen soon. Keep up the great work! Your gardens are always amazing!

    2. Sorry to hear that Robin. I'd ship some over to you but they'd be pretty squishy by the time they arrived.

  9. Cucumbers a plenty. Dan is taking some to work to give out today. I made a big jar of refrigerator pickles yesterday. Zucchini coming in manageable doses so far. Tomatoes are slower, just the tiny ones for now but lots of green ones out there.

    1. Marcia, my cucumbers at home are producing like crazy! The ones at the plots....not too good. I don't think I'm going to plant any there next year since they have yet to do well there. The tomatoes are definitely late this year. You'll have some nice big ripe ones before you know it!

  10. It is very exciting to see the harvest coming in. Some very impressive sizes too. My cukes are doing really well this year and I can't wait to make some pickles. I bet K would love some sweet relish too. I am pulling out my Ball book today.

    1. Yes, it is very exciting when the harvests start rolling in! That recipe is the easy one and we like it better then the recipe that takes more then a day to make. Let me know how you make out.

  11. Robin, Everything looks great!! You should post that relish recipe, I've never tried making our own relish and would like to. We are going to have a glut of cucumbers this year so I better find a way to use them!!

    1. Thanks a bunch! I'll try to get the recipe posted within the next couple of days.

  12. Your pickles look delicious. I just made a batch of spicy dill. Would love to have your relish recipe for our family union at the end of the month.

  13. All your produce looks so wonderful!!! I enjoyed visiting.

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