
Monday, July 23, 2012

Harvest Monday................07/23/2012

Although the harvests are getting better, I am still about 2 weeks behind last year with some of the crops. It's been a very strange year. Some crops were early and some crops seem to be taking forever. The tomatoes for instance have been loaded with fruit for some time now and I am only harvesting a few at a time. Now that we have been getting rain on a regular basis and the temps have dropped out of heat wave range, I'm sure they will start ripening much quicker.

Last Monday after I posted my Harvest Monday post, I pulled most of the spring carrots.

Monday's Carrot Harvest

Monday's Plot Harvest
We are loving these Red Seed Asparagus Beans!

Tuesday's Plot & Home Garden Harvest

Thursday's Plot & Home Garden Harvest

Friday's Home Garden Harvest

Saturday's Plot Harvest

Sunday's Plot Harvest

These are Purple Viking Potatoes
They are pretty cool looking aren't they? 

Look at this big Red Pontiac Potato
I went to the plots on Sunday to get some purple and red potatoes for roasted potatoes. We were having company for dinner and I thought it would look nice to have a variety of potatoes. I really wanted just a couple of smaller reds and I got this big MaMa and another one that was almost as big. I can't wait to dig those potatoes once the ground dries out a bit!

Sunday's Home Garden Harvest
We sure are enjoying the Sungold tomatoes. They are wonderful! 

Hop on over to Daphne's Dandelions, our host of Harvest Monday and see what's going on in gardens around the globe!


  1. Red Pontiacs--I couldn't find ANY local sources for that this year, and I just know, mid-winter I'm sure going to miss those for the au gratin potatoes.

    I've noticed too, how some things are way early, yet somethings are behind. Very odd!

    1. It's definitely been an odd year for the garden. I'll post an au gratin potato dish come mid-winter...just for you!

  2. Such beautiful produce - the tomatoes look fabulous and I love the colours of the purple viking potato, but today my eyes are drawn to the lovely looking cucumbers. Oh for summer produce...

    1. Yes, our summer produce is finally coming in. I'll be longing for summer produce when you have your summer!

  3. Very nice variety in your harvests this week. I am still waiting for the first beans although it will be soon. I am sure you were very excited to find such large Red Pontiac Potatoes. I can't wait to see what else is under there either.

    1. Rachel, I couldn't believe how big those Red Pontiacs were! I sure hope the rest are nice!

  4. Robin,

    Those are some beautiful looking harvests. I've not harvested anything the last couple of days. I'm waiting on all kinds of tomatoes to change colors too. Are you prepping for fall planting?

    1. Thanks Sandy, I'm trying to get ready for fall. I have sown some peas already.

  5. My tomatoes are slow to ripen too. Is it the heat?

    Lovely harvests you are getting there in PA.

    1. Marcia, I really think it was that excessive heat and lack of rain. I'm sure they start coming in by the buckets full soon!

  6. Beautiful harvests and such variety! My tomatoes never ripen fast and for me it's always a race to get them ripened and harvested before the plants die. Your potatoes look great!

    1. Thanks Nutmeg, I'm usually up to my ears in tomatoes by now.

  7. Amazing harvests Robin ! especially the purple viking potatoes, is the flesh purple too ?

    1. Hi Andrea, These potatoes have white flesh. I planted a variety years ago that was purple inside too.

  8. What a bounty of cucumbers you are getting! That purple viking potato is indeed really interesting looking. Is it a white crisp flesh variety (i.e. a good boiler)?

    1. The purple viking has a white flesh and is supposed to be a good masher. We only cut up two and mixed them with the other potatoes for roasted potatoes. So, the testing has yet to be done.

  9. Gorgeous harvest! I love the coloring on that Purple Viking. How was it on taste? Is it more like red potatoes or white?

    1. We had the purple potatoes with others roasted. So, I can't comment on the test yet.

  10. ooo-Red Pontiac potatoes! Must try those next year =)

  11. Wonderful time of the season, it's great to see everyone's harvests!

  12. Oh those Purple Vikings look really cool! What do the insides look like? how do they compare to the Red Pontiacs? Great looking harvest

    1. Mary, I'm going to have to do a post on those purple potatoes once I try them in other ways.

  13. Beautiful harvests. My garden is totally wacky this year. The summer harvest looks to be lower than it ought to (lots of wilt this year which I rarely get until late August). The beans are really diseased this year too. But the greens grew like crazy as did my onions. I guess every year it is different. But this one is more different than usual.

    1. It's definitely bee a wacky gardening year. I am so so jealous of your onions!

  14. You are getting a great variety in your harvests, perfect for actually being able to eat dinner and not just can until you can't see straight LOL! I just love those long beans, yum... they are so good in stir fry, or I've been tossing them with olive oil and slivered almonds.

    1. It's really nice making dinner when you actually have this kind of variety coming out of the garden.

  15. Beautiful, varied harvest. I really envy those cucumbers and the eggplants, particularly the lavender-colored ones. My slicing cukes are lust sitting there, and the eggplants are under siege from the flea beetles. Definitely a weird season, seemingly every where.

    1. Thanks David, my slicing cucumbers are doing much much better then the pickling varieties.

      Sorry about your flea beetles.

  16. You are already harvesting yardlong beans? I am hoping for a harvest this week. Gorgeous variety of harvest, will dig in all my potatoes this week.

    1. We are loving those beans. I've been harvesting them young. But, I really like beans on the young side rather then over grown. I'm going to do some potato digging this weekend. I can't wait!

  17. Robin, Everyone this year indicates the same issues with gardening. The sporadic rain and unseasonably high temperatures have put gardens into a spin. Just like us, they can't get a grip on what to do about the weather. I've still been hauling water to the garden to keep it from totally burning up. The sweet corn that I planted for the animals was stripped clean over the weekend which indicates to me that I better get crackin' on building that gate for my fenced garden. Raccoons are a hard bunch to over come when they set their mind breaking into a fenced area. So I guess we will see who has the stronger will? :0)

    1. Yes, it's been a crazy gardening year so far. You better get that gate up and start critter proofing your garden!

  18. Replies
    1. We were really surprised with the coloring on those potatoes. I think they are fascinating!

  19. I've never seen anything like those Purple Vikings! Nice looking cukes too. The lousy deer keep eating our cucumber vines. If I could put venison burgers on the menu it might not be so bad.

    1. Maybe if you change the menu, the deer will go away!

  20. Eggplants and tomatoes look awesome. I think my eggplants may start producing again. They have gone through a time where they didn't produce.

    1. The excessive heat can be so so hard on the garden. Hopefully, you'll get some more eggplants to set.

  21. You always have such a beautiful variety of colors for your harvest. I just love your pictures. Those potatoes are pretty cool! Your tomatoes are farther ahead of mine. It has been so hot here in the south I do not have any slicer sized tomatoes making fruit yet. And super high temps this week probably means they won't set any this week too. Hummmmm. I do have Early girls and cherry tomatoes though, just not turning much yet.

    1. Thanks Shawn Ann, It seems like excessive heat and lack of rain will just stop the potatoes from ripening.

  22. Great haul Robin and the Purple Viking potatoes are fascinating

    1. Aren't those purples just the coolest potatoes! I wonder what the rest will look like when I dig them.

  23. Beautiful harvest - love the carrots. And your tomatoes look wonderful! Mine aren't doing nearly so well, and I can't quite figure out why.

    1. Thanks Susan, my tomatoes are off to a very slow start ripening. It was due to our weather.

  24. Carrots. Hmmmph. Hey, my test carrots have all come out straight, so there's hope for me yet.

    Lovely harvest, and congratulations on the new job!!!!

    1. Thanks Granny! So, you think there's hope for you???? Hmmmm :)

    2. Well, probably not, but maybe there's hope for my carrots!

  25. Beautiful harvest. We are way behind on some crops this year too. Funny year with all the heat. But my melons are loving it. I walked through the patch today and we have at least 20 fruit on the way!!

    1. Yes, this year has been very unusual. I'm glad your melons are happy. I think I'm going to loose my cantaloupe plants.

  26. wow great harvest! Cool looking potatoe

    1. Thanks Mrs P! We think those potatoes are just fascinating!

  27. Wow...what amazing harvests you've had this week! Your eggplants look divine and those potatoes!!! Oh man...those potatoes are just gorgeous!

    1. I think we should call those potatoes Purple Jupiter Potatoes!! They remind me of something from space!

  28. A really nice harvest and your pictures look so pretty! Like they could be in a garden book! Nancy

    1. Thanks so much Nancy. Sometimes my pictures are good and sometimes not so good!

  29. Wow love the looks of everything. Looks like it is going to be a good potato year. The biggest of my volunteer reds went 11 5/8 oz. I too was looking for little ones.

    1. At least something is going to be good this year!


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